malik – Jan 22, 2010 12:00 AM

Malik has gained a lot of confidence since retirement, even to the point that he is posturing, and chasing when the pack interacts, especially Grizzer and Denali. He seems to think he could get involved, and has been looking at our fence heights (thankfully, they are over 12 feet tall), and actually jumping in excitement and touching the top overhang. Fortunately, this is a low snow year, who said a 10 year old is too old to jump… obviously, not Malik. This change has actually been a good thing, while we don't want him testing the fence, and we know that his safety would be an issue if he ever went back in with the pack, we are happy that he feels part of the pack and can show this level of excitement. Although we rarely post Youtube video with staff and wolves interacting, we do have a clip of Malik, showing the excitement that he expresses when visiting staff. Psychological care is as important as physical care.

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