Wolves of the World
Looking for specific wolf populations or details on a specific wolf management plan? This is the place to find it.
This is a great place to begin learning all about wolves! Information in this section will start with the basics of wolves around the world and carry you through more advanced publications.
Looking for specific wolf populations or details on a specific wolf management plan? This is the place to find it.
A wolf’s family tree has many branches. Find out more about the scientific classification of wolves, and discover the different types of wolves found in the world and what makes them different.
From pup development to hunting and feeding, reproduction to communication find out how wolves use physical and social adaptations to survive.
For help on researching more wolf information: explore scientific publications, suggested book and video resources, wolf-related news headlines and links to wolf-related organizations and agencies.
Find information on the complex relationship humans have with wolves by investigating the cultural, political and biological factors that influence human views toward wolves.
The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wildlands and the human role in their future.