Grayon- Do Wolves Really Sleep?

With the exception of some of our retirees, it is rare to find a wolf that falls into a deep sleep accompanied by snoring.  In most cases, the wolves have periods where they close their eyes, get some relief from the pack life, but even the slightest noise will see them spring into action or the the very least, an alert head and ear posture.  In this week’s photo, Grayson is taking a moment on the rock, but the ears are pricked forward and slightly turned to capture surrounding sounds.  The one exception to the rule of sound sleep might be after a major feeding.  Wolves have the capability to eat a large quantity of meat in one sitting (research estimates ~20% of their body weight).  There is no doubt that a full stomach can override the alert sensors and you may see minimal activity or interest in surroundings in either captive or wild settings.