shadow – Jan 20, 2013 12:00 AM

Shadow seems to appreciate the straw beds more than any other wolf. When adding straw, I often have to spread it while he's on the den, and as soon as we finish, he's contently lying in a thick pile. We are aware of the retired camera issues and we had a repair person here on Friday. We finally have a reliable computer system, but the signal was flickering due to a weak signal. The coax cable runs 90 feet along a fence line to get to the lab wall, then 100 feet underground to get to the building, then runs 20 feet before it's split into the auditorium TV's, then another 125 feet where it's split in the DL room for video broadcasts and Youtube. In the technology world, that's a long run and a lot of splits. It seems to be acting up in subzero temperatures, which is the first run along the fence. Please bear with us while we try to get this functioning. We appreciate the emails and calls, and we will communicate via facebook when we have the problem solved.

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