This log written by Wolf Care Staff volunteer, Cameron Feaster. As the dominant male of the exhibit pack, Aidan often deals with a lot of testing from his. Since the wolf’s social hierarchy is mostly gender based, he usually gets this testing behavior from Denali or Boltz. Some of this testing behavior was seen here and there this week, but Aidan is a strong leader, and often has to do little more than growl at or pin a wolf once to get his point across. Outside of these moments of dominance, Aidan is a very relaxed leader, often seeking wolf care staff for that next belly rub.

This entry was written by visiting Wolf Care Staff Volunteer, Cameron Feaster. Shadow’s enthusiasm can seldom be matched by any other wolf at the International Wolf Center. This is extremely apparent in the arrival of winter, when Shadow excitedly attempts to initiate chases with his brother Malik, or rolls and plows through the snow like a pup. Though, as this week’s YouTube video shows, it can sometimes be hard for a 14 year old body to keep up with such an excitable mind.

I would like to thank all of the members and donors who support our educational mission at the International Wolf Center. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and would like to report that all of the wolves are doing well. We have some great pack interactions as the winter begins and our wolf care staff are so honored to work with these incredible ambassador wolves.

Shadow does very well with work groups as long as they don’t watch him. He was on his den for the entire 5 hour burn project and showed no concerns at all. Fire in the wild means prey are running confused, I wonder if there’s an inherent behavior of interest that’s stimulated by fire?

After Shadow spent the morning with grape Gatorade breathe (see Malik’s log), he proceeded to rest on the den with the fresh fallen snow. As much as Malik prefers the cover of some vegetation, Shadow prefers the top of the den to see all activities around the wolf yard. We have been holding off on straw on the den top until we get a dry spell of weather, possibly tomorrow. I have not received an answer from the IT staff about web streaming the surveillance cameras, so I have decided to order another wireless camera like we previously had for retirement. If the web streaming of the surveillance camera works in the future, then great. But, even though the wireless model wasn’t that reliable in snowy weather, at least it was something. I am sorry for the long delay, I wish I had IT skills, but it’s more fun to have wolf care skills.

Shadow and Malik seem to decrease their age when we get snow and cold. As arctic wolves, this does seem to be the season that stimulates them the most activity and lately, they are acting like 2-year-olds. There is no wolf on site that greets with as much enthusiasm as Shadow and we certainly see more dominance from Shadow than any other wolf. It is hard to believe that they will be 14 years old next spring.

Shadow’s howl is returning. After a summer of heat and humidity that seemed to impact his vocal cords, a cooler week has led to some good howling sessions. Shadow has also been very stimulated to eat this week and we have increased the amount of chicken and beef we are purchasing for the pack. Shadow seems more stimulated to eat than previous fall seasons and is coming into the winter in very good condition. He can be temperamental on what he eats and when. It appears we have a favorite in tubes of beef and whole chickens.

I am so sorry if my lack of posting for Shadow caused concern that something happened to Shadow. During the academic year, I teach full time at the college and I am only at the Center 30 hours a week. Well, that 30 hours a week is mostly spent with wolves, deer carcasses, invoices, USDA protocol and vet consultations leaving little time for the technology piece… Anyway, Shadow is doing exceptionally well, in fact, he is coming into this winter with more body weight and a better conformation that he has in previous winters. He’s still extremely alert to the actions in the wolf yard, and his howl is back. The Youtube for this week has several minutes of howling…

On today’s check (Sunday, post feeding), Shadow had a full belly and could barely keep his eyes open through the entire wolf check. It’s Sunday, and he will spend it on the den, sleeping in the cool, fall sunshine.

What can I say about Shadow, he is one of a kind. While Malik camps out in the dense canopy, Shadow has to have his spot on the den. There isn’t a sound, sight or smell that escapes Shadow. He is so alert to the activity of the Exhibit Pack that he seems to know there’s activity before the surveillance cameras pick up movement. Shadow is the reason why I am hoping the IT folks get the web cameras live. There is nothing like checking in on the camera and seeing Shadow in a relaxed sphynx posture (usually with his feet crossed). Just one view of Shadow and I know the pack is probably relaxed and experiencing no issues.