Lakota is doing well, the vet check this morning revealed that the recent growth on her face is a benign cyst. This is good news, but she is developing many more of these cysts on a weekly basis. This is why it is so critical to have daily wolf checks to monitor these changes.

Written by Workin' For Wolves program participants Lori Rhodes and Pam Dolajeck: Having just turned 14 years old, Lakota still has a coat like a two year old. However, her age is beginning to show in her face. She was very aware of the activity going on in her enclosure, and even came up to the fence to investigate. The extra activity going on did not seem to affect her as much as the other wolves. Her appetite appears to be very good and her mobility is still good. If you didn't know how old she was, it would be hard to believe she is as old as she is.

Lakota is doing well, she has not really started to shed yet, but staff are brushing to encourage the process. She is very alert to the activities within the wolf lab and she continues to retain a good sense of sight and hearing, despite reaching the age of 14.

Today Nyssa is 35 days old. She now weighs 9.2 pounds and at one feeding took a whopping 7 ounces of formula. An apple and some ground venison caught her attention during one of the public programs. When the pups visited the outdoor pen, Nyssa enthusiastically greeted the Arctics and licked Shadow through the fence. She explored in the bushes and fought with Maya and Grizzer. She had a vet check and received her vaccinations today.

Maya is 42 days old today. She played hard outside, climbing on her younger syster Nyssa and running to the Arctics whenever they whined. She greeted them with a tucked tail and flat ears. During her 42nd day she took her vitamins, received her vaccinations and had her ears washed. After her outside adventure, she was more interested in sleeping than in eating.

Nyssa is 37 days old today. Nyssa did well in program and occupied herself with beaver foot and pig ear. Nyssa has been exhibiting increasingly dominant behaviors with Grizz and Maya.

Nubee has been very vocal when she is displeased when being dominated by Grizz and/or Groan. Nubee seems to prefers to feed from the bottle while lying next to or on top of Grizz & Groan. Nubee growled at Malik when greeting through the fence.

MacKenzie has been showing more dominance over Lakota in the most subtle ways. Her most common dominance display is a stand-over which is shown in Lakota’s photo this week. She is definitely feeling better with the adjustment of her anti-inflammatory dose. Her video shows good mobility and movement for a 14-year old wolf…

Today Groan is 27 days old. She has been doing extremely well in the public programs. She slept today during the morning program. She has been dominating both Nubee and Grizz, and has been doing play-bows with her siblings. Groan has been doing well with the weaning formula. At noon, she ate approximately 2 oz. of weaning formula and 4 oz. from the bottle.

Today Nubee is 20 days old. She is doing well during the public programs and slept during them today. She is attempting to dominate both Grizz and Groan and is initiating more play behaviors with them. Her activity level has increased dramatically, and her appetite has increased. She is still taking the bottle and eating vigorously. At times, she does not appear interested in eating and wants to get down and explore the pup pen. Her mobility and coordination is increasing every day.