maya – Jun 6, 2004 12:00 AM

Groan seems to be sleeping more independently. She will get up and move off to an area by herself to sleep, away from Nubee and Grizz. She is chewing more vigorously on toys and shoes. She also displayed food caching behavior with an empty paper towel roll. Groan was very anxious during a special Girl Scout program this morning and wanted to get out. She may have been too hot in the pup pen due to the morning sun coming through the windows. Groan handled the introduction of the fan (for cooling) really well. Staff will now lower the shades in the auditorium to decrease morning sun. During the 11:00 program, Groan like Griz investigated the puppy pen. Groan seemed to seek out her littermates for comfort. Groan did well during most of the 1:00 program and was interested in the pine cone and chewing was on a log. Towards the end of the program, she she became anxious to get out and started putting her paws on the gate. Groan did well during the 3:00 program. She interacted with both Griz and Nubee. She attempted to paw at and chew the blue tarp on the floor. She became anxious at the end of the program when 20+ people entered.

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