maya – May 1, 2007 12:00 AM

Maya, as the only female in the exhibit, demonstrates a modified RLU or Modified raised leg urination. This means that she squats to mark, but partially lifts her back leg. She is demonstrating that on the cedar chips on the den, and if you ever observe a Center program entitled “What’s for Dinner, she will mark several times during a feeding. There was a noteworthy point in the staff logs this week. Maya has been doing some digging in search of a rodent that is hiding in the rock area. A group of volunteers from the Twin Cities office was visiting the Center last weekend, and they watched Maya dig a hole under some rocks until only her tail was visible. Staff hauled rocks and logs over the hole, but until the squeaking rodent decides to leave the safety of these rocks, Maya’s predatory instinct will motivate her to dig.

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