maya – Mar 4, 2011 12:00 AM

As you may have read in the press release, Maya was euthanized on Tuesday March 1st, 2011. The decision to euthanize was based on a defined scenario in the Euthanasia policy: an injury that requires major surgical intervention with a questionable outcome and potential recovery issues. But equally important is the influence of" Quality of Life" discussions which is our ethical responsibility to these captive wolves. A podcast is being developed to discuss the management scenarios surrounding this incident. This log serves the purpose to recognize the incredible spirit and appreciation we have for her. Maya was a special individual that taught us the behavioral capabilities of a dominant female. She didn't start out that way. As a pup, she was very timid and subordinate, but in between her first and second year of age, Shadow chose her to be his pair bonded pack mate. Maya's confidence excelled and she maintained that confidence and status until the day of her death. Captive wolf management is about the individual and their personalities that mesh to form a social pack. We will always value the time we spent with Maya, the memories are many and the lessons learned are great.

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