maya – Jun 26, 2004 12:00 AM

Maya is 52 days old today. Maya still initiates dominance interactions over her packmates. With staff and nannies, however, she has become much more affectionate, sometimes seeking out their laps to sit on. She will also seek out staff and/or nannies to sleep next to. The staff and nannies recently started playing classical
ature music in the indoor pup pen in the wolf lab. Maya seems to respond to the music, as she frequently falls asleep when it is playing. Today Nyssa urinated near the entrance gate, then Maya went there, sniffed and urinated on top of it. This is one of the heirarchical behaviors that is developing between the puppies. Pups spent much of the morning in the outdoor pup pen. Maya ran around, explored, and greeted the arctics vigorously with a wagging tail and flat ears. Maya was kept occupied during the 11:00a.m. program with a beaver tail. During the afternoon program, Maya was anxious and was whining & climbing on the gate to get out. She was not easily distracted with stimulus items. Maya's appetite continues to be very good; she consumed her venison mix in a matter of minutes.

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