maya – Jun 21, 2004 12:00 AM

Maya is 47 days old today. She has been doing very well during Pup 101 programs and is occupied with stimulus items such as beaver feet & tails, a rubber Kong (a dog toy) stuffed with ground venison, ice cubes, pig ears, and deer hooves. She has been relaxed and at ease during the programs. When in the outdoor pup enclosure, her greeting towards the arctics at the shared fenceline has been very positive. She greets them vigorously with a wagging tail, flat ears, and will roll over in submission in front of them. She is a "climber" and prefers to be in high places, such as atop logs and rocks. She also seeks out the den area to go into to dig and sleep. Maya's dominance attempts over Grizz and Nyssa seem to have decreased slightly. She is seeking out more contact with staff and nannies and will, at times, climb into their laps to rest for short periods of time before wanting to lay down by herself or with Grizz and/or Nyssa. Maya is no longer receiving the bottle and is instead eating weaning formula during feeding times.

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