maya – Jun 13, 2004 12:00 AM

Groan was chasing after Grizz when he ran away with the beaver tail. Both Grizz and Groan are improving in their running coordination.Groan was very anxious and made continued attempts to climb out of the bucket, bag, and sling, therefore could not get an accurate weight. Groan became anxious and started whining, howling, and panting. Gave her ice water, which she lapped out of the bowl, and ice cubes, which she licked. Also put a sled with water into the pen. She climbed in it and urinated in the water. She appeared to enjoy walking in it and splashing it with her paws. Groan was very anxious during program and constantly whined and climbed on gate to get out. Was not able to be distracted with stimulus items. Groan did well during most of the next program and engaged in tug-of-war with Grizz with a beaver tail. She explored pup pen and appeared relaxed and at ease. Half way through her feeding Groan got the hiccups and then quit feeding.

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