maya – Feb 19, 2010 12:00 AM

Wolf care staff are anxiously waiting for spring days of 40-50 degrees and sunny? Why, not because we like warm weather, but it will signal the change in hormonal cycle from the higher dominance of estrogen to the calmer prolactin, and Maya needs a dose of prolactin. Aidan seems to be taking it in stride, not doubt, he has learned how to jaw spar, and unfortunately, Maya is quick to engage. Her face has several scars from this activity, but nothing seems to change, Maya dictates where Aidan is located in the enclosure, and if he's not where he should be, Maya stalks, lunges and chases him to her vision of the world order. It is interesting, when Maya doesn't pay attention to Aidan, he does seek her out and sniff her, these two must have worked something out, and while humans feel sorry for him, Aidan displays behaviors that indicate, he's part of this pack.

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