maya – Aug 1, 2010 12:00 AM

Staff have noticed a change in Maya, being far more social. During wolf care today, Maya submitted for one of the staff members and stayed in a submissive posture with Denali on the rock above her. Of course, that only lasted less than 5 minutes as Denali rolled off the rock and landed on Maya, but it was quiet time, at least for a few minutes. It is interesting to watch Maya as she interacts with the pack, and for those of us who raised her from a pup, we need to remind ourselves how timid Maya was as a pup. She would squat urinate from 10 feet away as she approached staff, and she was clearly subordinate to Nyssa. It's hard to believe that she's the same wolf, but Shadow's interest in her boosted her confidence, and look at her today. There's hope for Aidan after all. Maya's down a bit in weight, weighing 85 lbs, down from the 89 lbs in April, but that is typical of summer.

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