malik – Oct 4, 2004 12:00 AM

Over the last two weeks, Dr. Chip Hanson has been on site twice to observe Malik's back right leg. It appears that he may have a knee injury that is causing him to favor his back leg and even hold it up when running. Getting a diagnosis on a wolf is challenging, requires immobilization, and removing Malik from the pack for a trip to the clinic. If it is a problem that requires a surgical repair, the issues concerning isolation, recovery time and acceptance back into the pack have to discussed. It's not as easy to tell a wolf to stay off his leg and rest for 6 weeks. Another vet check was scheduled for this morning and video footage from this weekend showed that Malik seems to be getting better. Malik was on a 14 day treatment of anti-inflammatory medication and may have shown a limited response to the treatment. He will be continued to be monitored as the Vet care team drafts up management scenarios for all possible courses of treatment. Wolf Care staff observed him on Friday in a full-blown chase of the puppies, showing no weaknesses. His mood seems to be good, he's eating well and defintely active, so staff are hoping for the best.

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