malik – Nov 5, 2010 12:00 AM

There was some dominance aggression between Grizzer and Denali on Wednesday night. We watched the surveillance video from the Retired Cameras, and it appears the activity started right after the Curator left for the evening, around 6:05 pm. We were able to piece together the activity based on the retired wolves reactions. Malik, who was always the omega in the Exhibit Pack, responded by running, that's what omega's do. His excitement level was very high with a T-1 tail and very aggressive arousal. After a few minutes of excitement, Malik tried to dominant Shadow with an intense ride-up and some grab biting, but Shadow was able to maneuver away. Malik definitely takes advantage of Shadow when there's some excitement, of course, if you read Malik's archived notes, you would see that is not unusual behavior, he's always been an opportunist.

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