malik – Jun 25, 2001 12:00 AM

Den dismantled today due to yearling wolves being extremely destructive during the night (den had become a safety hazard). The den was built in 1991 as a temporary structure for the seasonal wolf center exhibit. It lasted a long time for a temporary structure. Lori Schmidt, Jen Westlund, Andrea Lorek Strauss and Nancy Jo Tubbs spent several hours removing the wooded portion of the structure and a heavy equipment operator will be hired to do the rest." Curator's note: Before removing the den, there was a search of the enclosure to ensure that there were adequate alternatives for the wolves to retreat for behavioral or physical needs, especially Lakota. The staff found several dug dens at the top of the exhibit that are suitable for all wolves to use. In addition, I had a concern that Lakota wouldn't be allowed to access the upper enclosure since she was clearly restricted to the lower pen this winter by all the other pack members. However, since early June, Lakota has had more freedom of movement in the pen, allowing her to use the upper dug dens. This was reassuring, since the new den construction will not occur until September.

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