malik – Jul 29, 2000 12:00 AM

Rene Woodworth (wolf nanny) writes: It is now Saturday morning, July 29, 2000. This is my last day as a nanny to the Arctic wolf pups, Shadow and Malik. This past week has been fascinating because of the time I have spent with the pups and Wolf Curator, Lori Schmidt. I thank them for allowing me a glimpse into the world and mind of the wolf. How lucky we as humans are to still have the wolf as a connection to the wilderness and the wonder of our Earth. Malik and Shadow will soon be joining Mackenzie, Lucas, and Lakota. I think the pups have become young adults this week. Shadow is more confident and Malik is beginning to submit when greeting. Their characters are forming quickly, as they develop the behaviors which will allow the pups to join the adult pack. I will miss them very much.

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