malik – Dec 3, 2010 12:00 AM

This week's Youtube footage shows Malik doing some posturing towards Shadow. It's not very intense, but it is that time of the year that even older wolves hormonally cycle and try for status. It's always interesting to work with the older wolves, just when you think they are too old to pull a stunt, they surprise you. On Friday, the Curator was installing a new camera for the Center' Wolf Link project. Her hat fell out of her pocket when she was on a ladder and Malik was quick to retrieve it, and enjoyed the chase that ensued to get the hat back. He was pouncing and play bowing and tossing the hat in the air, it certainly created some good enclosure enrichment for a period of time. But, it is 10 degrees and the Curator needed her hat back, so a bit of bone dust as a distraction and the hat was retrieved, initially by Shadow, but then the Curator got her hat.

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