malik – Dec 24, 2007 12:00 AM

Malik has been sticking very close to Shadow during Shadow’s recent recovery from a knee injury. His confidence is strongly tied to Shadow and they remain very close as littermates. Staff can always tell when Malik is relaxed on the Exhibit, as he will jump on the rock for attention and he presents himself for scratching his back. In his video this week, you will see him walk by Grizzer, displaying submissive ears, but not showing any avoidance behavior. This is important to note and speaks to Malik’s confidence. In addition to the Christmas morning check of the wolves, staff will be monitoring the webcams throughout the day to gauge any issues in the pack. The den cam is a great place to watch the actions of the pack, but also tells us about the comfort level of the pack. The most confident pack members tend to take the top of the den. Usually, it’s Maya or Shadow, but if we see Grizzer on top of the den for several hours that tells us that the arctics may have some issues.

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