malik – Aug 8, 2005 12:00 AM

Malik has become obsessed with a dog toy that squeeks. Whenever he sees it, he watches it closely following the every move of the toy. It's a good tool for getting him to come to the front of the enclosure during the day, but staff need to be careful on where they place the toy. Malik's legs can stretch 2 feet under the gate, anything within reach ends up in the enclosure. The arctics have been having a bit of a struggle with the flys and continue to resist fly ointment applications. Staff tried a new longer lasting treatment today called Spot On. The vets say it should last several weeks if we can get it on them. Malik took his treatment from Joyce Riveroll today, but Shadow is too weary of anything in our hands. As usual, Grizzer and Maya sat well for their fly ointment treatment. Thank you Nannies for all the early handling of their ears when they were puppies.

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