malik – Apr 10, 2007 12:00 AM

One event that happened this week is the launching of the Center’s new Web cam that features a view from the top of the den. The den top is a favorite resting spot for wolves during the winter months. The cooler temperatures inside the den make it a favorite during the summer months, and we often have wolves lying in the doorway of the den when the temperatures increase. We would like to acknowledge one of our members, Johanna Goering, for donating this new camera and the resources necessary for bringing it to our website. Our plan is switch the retired pack camera to the Center’s website and, after fundraising efforts, get a camera that can follow the activities of the new pups in 2008 and thereafter reside in the Exhibit Pack. As we move through this transition, you can still find the existing webcams hosted by Whenever staff discusses the rank order issues of the males, there’s always sympathy expressed for the lowest ranking member. It is important to remember, that the lowest ranking member is equally as important as the dominant wolf. Without a bottom, there’s no top, and there would be chaos. In the wolf world, every wolf knows their rank, and acts accordingly. If there’s a chance to move up, they do. When watching Malik’s video this week, you clearly see a lower ranking wolf that’s comfortable enough to hold his tail high. Of course, there he understands a good lip curl and growl are effective as well. This pack has very good compatibility, and that is the ultimate job of wolf care staff. To create energy for the pack that is calm, and allows them to assert their rank order without external stresses.

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