luna – Jul 25, 2013 12:00 AM

Written by Ethology Participant: Dolf Hergert<br> As a participant in the recent Wolf Ethology Course at the Int. Wolf Center, I took an active role in behavioral observations of Luna. Initially concerned about her prior injury to her leg, my observations of Luna lent me to believe that she has little difficulty in maintaining her rank in the pack. Although a limp is often evident, she often instigated chases with the other wolves that covered large areas of the enclosure. Other data collected through observations indicated that she spends a large of time eating.One particularly amusing bit of observation was on the evening of July 22, 2013. Luna and Boltz were snapping at dragonflies for about five minutes.Luna caught one and promptly walked away and ate it. Another memorable incident was when Boltz was feeding on a deer carcass and Denali began walking towards him with his teeth bared. Luna's response was to quickly walk over to Boltz and sit down which barred Denalis approach to Boltz. Denali ended up turning and walking away and Boltz resumed feeding.

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