Luna – Her Idea of Pair Bonding

Staff continue to do body work on Luna to help ease her stiffness and pain of her right rear leg during this winter season.  As she nears 5 years of age, we know this work will be a life-long commitment.  As we work to ease her physical issues, our decision to unite her with Grizzer has gone a long way in solving her social challenges.  Luna and Grizzer were introduced to each other in November of last year and most of that time was spent co-existing with food defense as their main interaction.  As the seasonal hormones became more prevalent, Luna started displaying more social engagement.  Initially, her idea of social engagement was grabbing Grizzer by the scruff of the neck.  When we first witnessed this, staff intervened to make sure that Grizzer was a willing participant.  After we stopped the interaction, he went around us, displayed a foreleg stab to Luna, scraped the straw bed and did a play bow to Luna;  Definitely the behaviors of a willing participant and apparently Luna’s idea of pair bonding.