Luna and Grizzer Improvements
The Working for Wolves crew did an amazing job this weekend, cleaning, raking and giving the Exhibit Pack a fresh look. Crew members shoveled and hauled nearly half a dump truck load of small rock to fix a significant digging issue under the east side pond. Without this work, the concrete was at risk of cracking; Losing the ponds functionality which would have been a critical loss for older wolves in the warm summer months. Crew members also installed a new, more powerful misting system for the Exhibit that mists the Pack Holding area as well. Protective panels were installed, stained and concrete pads were positioned to protect our medical pens and reduce some of the drainage and ice conditions we experienced last winter. The most noticeable projects on the webcam were in the pack holding area where crews mortared some protective rock to cover the sharp edges of the concrete, provide better visual appeal for photography and gave Grizzer a wider ramp off the back of the pack holding area den. To allow time for the concrete to dry, a protective fence panel was constructed to keep Luna and Grizzer away from the wet concrete; You may have viewed the panel on the Pack Holding Area webcam. The wolves were very calm despite all the activity in the yard. They especially like the part where we barbecue brats in the wolf yard.