lakota – Jul 17, 2006 12:00 AM

Lakota gave the wolf care staff a little bit of anxiety last week. Staff noticed her having difficulty defecating and some discomfort when laying down. This was of great concern as this was how Lucas's troubles were first identified. After some investigation and a fecal sample at the vet, it was determined that Lakota ate too many raspberries. The staff did not feed her raspberries, so she must have been picking them off the fence line. After verifying that there was no parasite issue that might be making her browse, it was determined that she would be fine, but it would be better if we could give her a significant amount of meat to help clear her system. She readily ate her carnivore diet and on Sunday, was running throughout the enclosure and jumping on the den boxes. Her searching for Lucas seems to be diminishing, now only MacKenzie shows some anxiety, probably related to the absence of Lucas.

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