Grizzer – Sharing Territory
We continue to see a lot of howling behavior from Grizzer towards the back of his enclosure. We likely have some activity from other animals in the area surrounding the International Wolf Center. There have been several sightings of Lynx and Bobcats in the Ely area, and prior to the melt, we’ve seen quite a few signs of wild wolves nearby. With the melt, it’s very difficult to determine what is hanging around the enclosure, but Grizzer is certainly aware of it.
The International Wolf Center is also hosting a fundraiser to help us expand the Wolf Lab, to allow more space for new pups, but also an indoor enclosure that older, or sick wolves may be brought into for better care. This expansion would connect directly with Grizzer’s enclosure, allowing him to come into the indoor enclosure with ease if needed! Please keep an eye on our facebook profile for more information on how you can support this project!