grizzer – Oct 22, 2007 12:00 AM

The water and sewer work is completed in the enclosure and wolf yard. The wolves actually did very well with the construction work, and they seemed to really like the contractors. During the initial construction outside of the enclosure, the wolves remained on the Exhibit but were lightly sedated to take the edge off of their anxiety. On Wednesday the 17th, the wolves were locked off the Exhibit in the pack holding area and given a heavier sedative. All wolves went into holding except Maya… she was given a sedative and allowed to watch the construction from inside the enclosure. Grizzer’s larger body size and young vibrant condition made it a challenge to estimate drug dosage. He had a higher dose than any of the pack, yet showed the least signs of effect. There’s been very little redirected aggression observed, and despite some following behavior and chatter between Grizzer and Malik, the pack seems to be cohesive. The video clip for the Exhibit pack shows a howling bout that occurred on Saturday morning. Grizzer attempts to get on the rock with the dominant pair, but is rebuffed. He then spends time shadowing Malik.

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