grizzer – Dec 17, 2007 12:00 AM

This week has been a challenge for Shadow recovering from a knee injury and for Grizzer who has the potential to take over Shadow's dominance. When staff called on Sunday 12/9, reporting that Shadow was limping, the reality of treating a dominant wolf weighed heavy on the minds of the wolf care staff. In an active pack of wolves with a dominance hierarchy, removing the dominant wolf for even the shortest periods of time can result in a pack structure change, not allowing the dominant to return to the pack (similar to a dispersal). It is also common for lower ranking wolves to look for weakness and take the opportunity to push rank. This was our concern with Grizzer as we assessed Shadow's condition, but video this week showed Shadow remaining confident and strong and Grizzer seeming to respect this. Staff on Sunday's (12/16) check observed Grizzer rolling over and submitting to Shadow.

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