Grayson – What Does it Mean?

To summarize Grizzer’s log, we have a recurring issue where Grizzer bark howls in a threat display towards our Veterinarian.  This is due to an incident that occurred over 10 years ago.  In a recent Vet visit for Aidan, when Grizzer started barkhowling, the only member of the Exhibit Pack to respond was Grayson, and not just respond as in a juvenile following along.  Grayson intensely howled towards Grizzer and moved towards the threat while Axel, Denali and Boltz continued to feed on a carcass.  Aidan was watching Grayson, but did not participate in the howling.  I posted the video on last week’s YouTube if you would like to view it.  What does it mean?  For anyone who has been associated with our ambassador wolves over the years, you may recall the power of the bark howl that has primarily come from our pack leaders.  Shadow, the dominant male of the Exhibit Pack from 2002-2010, was the most intense whenever any unfamiliar person was in the yard.  Earlier this winter we filmed Aidan in an intense bark howl when we separated the pack to do some snow removal.  As the dominant male since 2011, Aidan was the one who would respond to the threats in the wolf yard.  Is the pack telling us there is a new wolf on watch?  Is it just Grayson’s more overall personality to be more wary or is there more to it.  We don’t have an answer for that, but will see how the year progresses and no doubt, the addition of the 2020 pups will be an influence.  For now we watch and record data.  Another interesting observation is the fact that Grayson continues to use bark howling to address wolf like situations.  The other day, Luna and Grizzer’s wrestling and growling vocalization started to increase.  Grayson immediately ran to the fence line and let out a series of quick half barks and a bark howl which typically serves as a warning.  Luna and Grizzer immediately stopped and ran to the fenceline to see who just dispensed some boundaries.  Grizzer looked with a bit of a social gaze, Luna a bit more stern in her gaze. Could a maturing juvenile have influence over Luna?