Grayson – Looking for Patterns

It is challenging to tell Axel and Grayson apart, especially when they are wet with snow, but Grayson still has the dark saddle pattern that started to show when he first gained his permanent guard hairs at two months of age.  He also appears to have a shorter muzzle and some darkness around his muzzle characteristic of Shadow.  We also noticed that while Axel’s eyes seem to have retained a more brownish appearance of his pup days, Grayson’s eyes have turned the classic amber color of an adult wolf.  Other noticeable patterns include behaviors and associations.  Grayson continues to be a bit reserved when the pack is excited and seems to seek out Aidan when there are events that cause some stress or anxiety.  Although, patterns can change.  Early in the pup introduction, we would say that Axel showed dominance over Grayson, since gaining some confidence and being integrated into this pack, staff need to confirm the identification of the pup before declaring who’s dominant.   Due to last Friday’s snow storm, we didn’t get a weight on the pups, but plan to bring them into the Wolf Care Center on Monday to get everyone weighed.