Exhibit Pack Update – 8 April 2024

After a winter with minimal snow, March surprised us with several feet of wet, heavy snowfall. The Exhibit Pack seemed to enjoy it more than the humans! Wolf activity increased during this period, but became much calmer as temperatures warmed up again. Hopefully this wet snow will add some moisture into the environment and reduce the risk of wildfires this season.

Axel appears to continue to be responding well to being off his medication for sebaceous adenitis. His coat remains thick and healthy, and his gastrointestinal upset seems to be resolved. We’re happy to share that his appetite and energy levels have returned as well. The decision to take him off his medication was a difficult one due to the unknowns, but it was worth it to see him return to his usual self. Wolf care staff will continue to monitor his condition daily and address his medical needs as they arise.

Grayson has been displaying some rectal issues in the past few weeks that we have been closely monitoring and treating with ointment as needed to reduce pain and inflammation. Thankfully there doesn’t appear to be a lot of focus from the rest of the Pack (apart from the occasional Rieka rear-grab). He continues to have a good appetite, well-formed scats, and a confident demeanor when engaging with his packmates — all of which indicate that he’s overall feeling pretty good.

Lastly, Caz and Blackstone’s birthday was this past weekend (April 6th)! They turned two years old and received a “birthday cake” made of various meats frozen together. You can watch them receive this “cake” enrichment on their birthday webinar and on the Facebook livestream from that event.

It has been a great joy and honor to know this pair of brothers. Caz is infamous in the wolf care lab for his affinity for food; there’s a drawing on the whiteboard from his pup summer to remind us to “hold my chicken, human.” Blackstone is often described by care staff as “sweet, care-free, and gentle”– however he will oftentimes get a look in his eyes that warns us he’s about to get up to some mischief. All that boy wants is a stick to carry around and a packmate to stand over.

In honor of their birthday, we have Caz & Blackstone’s Birthday Fundraiser going on until April 15th. Each of the birthday fundraisers will support the wolf care team and the work we do to care for the ambassador wolves. You can donate in honor of the 2022 pups today though our Facebook fundraiser page. Thank you to all who have donate so far — we greatly appreciate your generosity and support!

Speaking of ambassador wolf birthdays, be sure to sign up for the birthday webinars for Axel & Grayson (May 2nd) and Rieka (May 23rd)! These webinars are FREE to everyone, but you must register beforehand if you would like to watch it live. Click here to register.