denali – Jan 21, 2011 12:00 AM

Denali has had far more interactions with staff, but we still struggle to get Grizzer to back off long enough to allow Denali to satiate with food. Grizzer is very possessive of Denali's food, but not Aidan's. This week, we will start to try the holding pen's again, to draw Grizzer and Maya off while we feed Denali. We will do this cautiously, as we don't want the separation to cause any tension. If this doesn't work, we will try additional wolf care staff for feedings to see if we can have enough distractions. Grizzer seeks out the attention of wolf care staff, and if we can give him enough social contact, and scratch his healing head (the new hair growth itches), we can generally keep him occupied long enough to give Denali time to eat. It worked today, and Denali ate 9 pieces of chicken, but with -39 below temperatures, we want Denali to have at least 5 – 7 lbs of food per day.

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