denali – Feb 8, 2013 12:00 AM

Someone recently asked me if I had a favorite wolf. Certainly some people may think it's hard not to think of some individuals with a greater concern because of their individual needs, but the reality is, every wolf is different and they all have some unique characteristic to make them special. So, I thought I would dedicate this week's wolf logs to those unique characteristics. Denali seems to be a juvenile in an adults body. He has very little aggression with the exception of food. Some people may question that statement considering what Grizzer went through with Denali, but Grizzer initiated the issues with Denali. Most of the encounters between Grizzer and Denali were Denali defending himself, often with tucked tail as he ran from Grizzer. The problem Grizzer had was that Denali was nearly a foot taller than Grizzer, leaving the top of his head as the main contact with Denali. Denali does not like conflict and is often observed rolling around with the pups (of course Grizzer did the same thing for Denali.)

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