denali – Aug 24, 2012 12:00 AM

Denali has shown no significant guarding behavior toward the pups, his sole interactions including joining in on the chase and attempting to take their food. His behavior is similar to that of an overgrown juvenile, except that he's four years old and should act a bit more mature. We have had some interesting dynamics between Denali and Aidan. Aidan is quite intense if Denali is too close to the pups when they are interacting and Aidan has done several lunge displays with teeth barred, growling and in full hackle response. Denali would normally run and keep his distance. On two occasions, I've observed Denali doing a full threat display with direct eye contact back to Aidan. This is the start of what may be some intense brotherly dominance to settle the rank order and definitively put Aidan on top. The interesting component is the pups. Boltz clearly aligns with Aidan, which may be a factor in the future.

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