Boltz- Pup’s Influence
The introduction of the pups to the Exhibit Pack created some interesting dynamics. Luna seems obsessed with the pups. We’re not sure if that’s a good thing, she has the same expression about a deer leg. Initially, she had been blocking the other wolves whenever the pups were near the fence, now Boltz joins her and the two of them block Aidan and Denali equally. Fortunately, Aidan is tolerant of it and we know he has a good history with pups, so it’s probably best that Luna and Boltz develop a strong bond. One other noticeable change for us is that Boltz is much more interactive and social in the last few days. This may coincide with the pups spending more time outdoors and possibly stimulating a bit of prolactin hormone for the Boltz or as he sheds his winter coat, maybe the back scratches are too good to resist. Regardless, this facial expression seems to indicate some positive interaction.