Boltz – a Tale of Two Tails

Boltz is a 4-year old male who is trying to figure out his way in the pack.  He’s had some testing behavior before, but a lot of that behavior was stimulated by tension with Luna and a bit of redirection.  This fall, we have been seeing a new side to Boltz; One that is more socially engaged in pack activity and notably, the interactions with the Axel and Grayson.  Boltz had some challenges as a young pup, lacking in social interactions due to Luna’s many medical restrictions, he didn’t experience the same social dynamics experienced by Aidan and Denali or Grayson and Axel, who had pup littermates.  Boltz had limitations and these limitations shaped his personality in the last few years.  Since the 2016 pup introduction, we are experiencing a new Boltz.  His confidence has increased and with the absence of Luna, Aidan is the only thing keeping him from gaining some status.  In this week’s photo’s, you see the T-1 tail of excited dominance and confidence, Boltz on the left and Aidan on the right.   This is a early in the winter season and so far, Aidan has taken control and put a limit on Boltz’s behavior.  Time will tell how this situation will progress. We are fortunate that the Vermilion Commmunity College Ethology class will start behavioral assessment and data recording by February to give us an indication of Boltz’s activities as we enter the most active season for wolf behavior.