aidan – May 16, 2008 12:00 AM

Attila is 19 days old today and has a slower development than Red Paw. Part of this is due to his temperament, he’s very particular about the bottle and the position he is held when feeding. If it isn’t a certain position, he gets frustrated and quits. He didn’t feed as much yesterday as he had in previous days. The Vet is coming today to do a check for any physical issues that might be occurring. Physically, his snout is elongating and his ears are showing more signs of being pointed and held upright, but the ears don’t stay up for long. One notable behavior is that Attila began to drag the blanket across the enclosure. While this may just seem like pup play, dragging carcasses is a common wolf behavior when feeding. We will also watch for these other carcass feeding instincts such as caching, tug of war and plucking.

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