22 October 2020 Updates
I don’t have anything to post on Boltz today, we are waiting for additional spinal tap test results to come in (if you recall, there were 3 tests). So, far everything has been negative and bloodwork is all in normal range. I have copied one of the reports here to see all the things that have been ruled out in this challenging time trying to get a diagnosis. The Vet put him back on prednisone as his condition was declining since we weaned him off of the prednisone to do the spinal tap. Now, we are closely monitoring him by camera and visual checks to assess if prednisone is working. Staff are diligent in reducing any distractions in the wolf yard that might impact his ability to comfortably rest. I hope to have more answers by the Monday Working for Wolves webinar at 5 pm Central time. There are still spots available for this webinar if you would like to register check our our Programs – Webinar tab on the website at www.wolf.org.