malik – Sep 26, 2007 12:00 AM

I received an email of concern about Malik, so I thought I would share my response with everyone who might be concerned with the wolf dominance behavior that we are experiencing. We always have concerns for the omega wolves as caretakers for the wolves, we're human and we think emotionally. Wolves are wolves, they don't think like humans do on an emotional level, but think as a wolf, a socially dynamic animal that lives in a rank order based on abilities and strengths. Calm, assertive behavior keeps the pack calm. Anxious, nervous energy is viewed as a weakness. A classic wolf behavior it to express anxiety over strangers, changes to routines and anything different. Such is the problem, when work needs to be done in an exhibit. We had a great wolf check this morning, Malik, Shadow and Grizzer all got a venison roast, while Maya made off with the deer head. Whatever anxiety they had last week seems to be over. Thanks for checking the logs, we appreciate the fact that people see how incredible these individuals are and that they respect them as wolves. Unfortunately, because they are wolves, there will be behaviors that effect the human emotion. Our job is to understand them, care for them and be calm and stable when interacting in the wolf yard.

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