grizzer – May 1, 2010 12:00 AM

It appears that Grizzer is testing Shadow. The signs are subtle, with a paw up on Shadow’s face, a ride up, and some direct eye stares, but staff have noticed, and more importantly to dynamics, it appears Denali has noticed. The following is a scenario of events that demonstrate some issues in rank order. About 5:15 pm on Thursday, April 29th, Maya pulled Aidan’s rear leg, and physically pinned him, why, who knows, but Aidan submitted. While that happened, Grizzer immediately ran to Shadow, often when there’s some dominance, wolves that are testing may try to take advantage of another wolf that’s distracted. Shadow pinned Grizzer, then he turned to face Denali who was advancing towards Shadow, then Maya left Aidan and went to Grizzer and pinned Grizzer, while Shadow pinned Denali. So, this situation will be monitored closely in the upcoming weeks. Grizzer weighed in at 124 lbs, down by 5 pounds from his September 2009 weight.

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