malik – Feb 22, 2006 12:00 AM

There isn't much different in Malik's world, even though he doesn't choose to show active submission, he seems to be on the bottom of the male rank order. Chases continue with Shadow taking the lead and Grizzer following close behind. There doesn't seem to be any action when they catch up with him, but Malik sure is nervous to have Shadow behind him. I don't know if Grizzer even realizes he's got status over Malik, probably because the only time Malik respects him is when Shadow is close by. The winter has been extremely calm, even though these ritualized dominance displays can be noisy and quite physical. The behavior is strongly linked to the function of survival in the wild. Packs need to have leaders and the other wolves need to follow or survival is threatened. In captivity, even with plentiful resources, this behavior is very strong.

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