malik – Oct 31, 2000 12:00 AM

As winter approaches, staff need to begin acclimating the wolves to winter clothing. The pups have been especially interested in the rag wool fingerless gloves worn by some of the staff. The acclimation process will be ongoing until the pups begin to associate the gloves as part of the handlers "hide". This process may take a few weeks. The wolf curator has begun more detailed physical exams on the pups to get them conditioned to paw inspection for winter ice buildup, hide and undercoat inspection for any signs of bite wounds and mouth/teeth inspection for evaluation of general physical condition. Both pups are developing well, but during the 10/30 wolf check, Malik was observed to be favoring his rear left leg. He showed no sign of tenderness with intense manipulation of the leg, but he avoided full weight on the leg. Given the high energy level and spirited play bouts between the pups, the limping was considered to be minor, possibly a pulled muscle or bruise, but it was noted in the log to be monitor by staff. After the second day with no improvement, the wolf curator phoned Ely Veterinarian Chip Hanson for a site visit and consultation. A preliminary exam showed no definite diagnosis, but the possibility of an injury to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) based on the way he was walking and standing. Dr. Hanson prescribed a five day dose of anti-inflammatory drug and Malik was to be observed for changes in his condition. The staff is currently monitoring his condition and will report back to Dr. Hanson by November 6th at which time, he will re-examine to attempt to confirm a diagnosis.

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