malik – Oct 26, 2009 12:00 AM

Malik's confidence is tied to two things, the distraction of Grizzer with Denali, and the presence of Shadow. When Shadow is nearby and Denali is grabbing Grizzer by the scruff, Malik is in high tail, charging in on Grizzer. When Grizzer is alone and following Malik, his posture is as low to the ground as possible. Malik was observed in several social behaviors on Saturday. The pack was pretty excited with a special Halloween treat of a beaver following the "beaver dissection" event for the public festivities. Shadow became excited and did a few invite chase behaviors, where he runs in front of another wolf to get them to chase him. Malik got excited and did a jump and whirl in the air, followed by a quick dash up the back side of the slate den to foreleg stab Grizzer. No aggression resulted from this behavior, just some social interaction.

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