malik – Aug 9, 2000 12:00 AM

The pups had been visible to, but separate from, the adult wolves since the pups arrived at The International Wolf Center in Ely, MN at the end of June, 2000. On August 9, 2000, early in the morning, Shadow and Malik were introduced into the adult's enclosure and started along the path of becoming members of the pack. The pup introduction to the adults was carefully planned to avoid shifting the hierarchy dynamics of the existing pack. While the pups were in their overnight holding pen, Lakota and Lucas were each lured into separate holding areas. Then the pups' holding pen was opened to the main enclosure, and the pups ventured out to explore and greet MacKenzie. The pups ran around alternately exploring and greeting MacKenzie by licking her muzzle and smelling her. MacKenzie responded well to the pups, smelling them and following after them as they explored. After about 15 minutes, Lucas was let out of his enclosure and he joined the smelling/licking/chasing romp. The pups continued to explore the new sights and smells of the main enclosure. When Lakota was released from her pen, she investigated the pup enclosure at length before greeting the pups, apparently searching for food scraps.

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