malik – Jan 19, 2009 12:00 AM

The wolves did well with the recent cold snap last week. Wolf care faced temperatures of – 39 below on 2 mornings, – 32 below on one morning and a warm spell of – 26 below and Friday's balmy – 16 below… The wolf care staff are here 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that the wolves have the best care possible. Upon the vet's recommendation, we started Malik on a morning dose of 2 baby aspirin to take the edge off of 81/2 year old bones. It has worked wonders. Malik is less cranky and doesn't growl at Grizzer as much, which results in less dominance scuffles between these two. Malik has even been spending time with wolf care staff, rubbing up against the staff and greeting. We know when he feels achy, he tends to avoid interacting and is a bit testy. We will likely continue this treatment through the winter months, and see how he fairs when the weather warms.

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