malik – Mar 4, 2011 12:00 AM

If you read Grizzer's log, you may have read where we eluded to the fact that Malik is not showing any fear avoidance towards Grizzer. I would like to make it clear that we would NEVER do anything to jeopardize Malik. If we were to try any social arrangement for Grizzer, it would involve Shadow coming to Grizzer's enclosure to interact, with lots of wolf care staff on hand. We know Shadow still has control over Grizzer, we see it in the way Grizzer paws at the fence and tries to submit over by the retired enclosure. If Grizzer has lost so much confidence without Maya that he is truly subordinate to Shadow without question, then we may have some options. At this point, we are making plans to build a secondary retirement enclosure and will manage Grizzer based on our experience on what is best for him. Social contact is not always best if it affects an individuals confidence.

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