malik – Jul 16, 2000 12:00 AM

Caroline S. David, DVM (pup nanny) writes: When the opportunity to become a nanny had presented itself, I jumped at the chance. Being a veterinarian, I hoped to further my education not only for my own pleasure, but to help my clients with their understanding of canid habits. My scientific interest was soon overtaken by the joy of watching these precious "furballs" who already have quite distinct personalities. Shadow is reserved and a bit shy. He has intense focus, though, and can usually outwit his brother into getting whatever object Malik may have. Malik is easy-going and easily distracted. I have nicknamed Malik "Mikhail Baryshnikov" due to his inability to maintain balance for too long – he doesn't quite know yet how to handle those enormous paws! I do not look forward to leaving, even if it means no more twelve hour days of laying in the dirt while dealing with hundreds of mosquitoes. I will treasure these memories and will always be grateful that, if only for a while, the wolves let me share part of their world.

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