Healthy Coat

You may notice Luna’s putting on a bit of weight in the last few weeks. We want to keep her trim for her joint issues, but we would like a bit more muscle and body fat before winter. She was enjoying the addition of the joint health dog food, but she has become disinterested in the food. We continue to try a variety of items to stimulate her to have a good diet, and based on the feel of her winter coat, something must be working. She has a very smooth, soft coat. In this week’s video, we also demonstrate her ability to camouflage with the rocks in the enclosure. Her limp seems to be improving, although I believe we will see some return to soreness when the colder weather returns. She is so active in this exhibit between dominating Denali to chasing migratory birds, she is constantly moving. We are meeting with contractors to develop a heated slab which can be thermostatically controlled, the problem is, how will Aidan deal with more work in the enclosure. I may have to pack a bag and stay for a few days to get through this project, but anything we can do to help Luna is worth the effort.