shadow – Sep 7, 2012 12:00 AM

Once again, Shadow has been demonstrating the behaviors that make a pack leader strong. It is amazing to watch the slow deliberate posturing, chin rests, eye contact and body movement that commands respect from other pack members. To be there filming it and sharing it with viewers is very rewarding. We want to provide some details about the camera situation in retirement. With a recent software upgrade, the server started to block the webcams and actually locked out our website. Tech support has not been able to solve the server issue so I had to turn off the cameras. I was able to install the pup cam in the building for the Exhibit Pack, but unfortunately the USB cable that runs a live streaming camera doesn't run a great distance, so the longer distance to retirement will not support the live streaming camera that we used in the building on the Exhibit Pack. A local vendor is getting us a camera to see what's effective for a long distance run to retirement and Grizzer's pen. We are working on these options and know that people are very connected to these wolves and we want to return the broadcast as soon as possible. I know it's frustrating considering we seem to always have challenges with cameras, but it's not an easy task to run cabling over 100 feet and mount it on a wolf pen (out of reach of wolves), then protect it from sun, rain, snow and freezing temperatures. It is my top priority after the care and needs of the wolves.

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